One Fine Spring Morning

The intersection of nice weather, free time, and the energy to do anything with them, has been a pretty small Venn space in my life recently.

Throw in the detail that I just got another bike (a road bike, no less), and you begin to feel kind of sorry for my mountain bike. Poor thing, hardly gets out much any more.

So, today, I took my old and faithful ride to the coffee shop in Brockport. The picture that you see here is taken from my seat on the chairs in front of that establishment, Java Junction.

Said place is where I got a bumper sticker saying "Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks."

Anyhow, the ride: It was great. middle / upper 50's, light WNW wind, blue sky to dream about, lots of people on the canal path, boats, everything growing green and lively. It was just nice.

And, for those of you keeping score, here's the Mountain bike log for 2007 ...

start end miles latest time #trips

2007 1201.2 1219.2 18.0 3/30/2007 1.22.33 1 1.38 13.1
2007 1219.2 1237.1 17.9 4/28/2007 1.31.31 2 1.53 11.7
2007 1237.1 1254.2 17.1 5/26/2007 1.14.07 3 1.24 13.8

13.8 mph is my highest average speed trip ever. When I ride, I pay attention to my cadence - rotations of the pedals per minute. For me, slow and lazy is under 70, my normal pace is 75-77, and I really want to get it into the low 80's. On the way out, into the wind, in my usual gear, I was in the 75-80 range. On the way back, with the wind, and with a no-fat 2 shot latte in me, I couldn't keep the cadence lower than 85-90, so I made the gearing harder, dropped down to 80 or so, and went a lot faster.

At least, I thought so.

It was good.




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