History of My Weight Loss, April 2020

2020 has been quite the year, and April fits in. My goal for the past few months has been to maintain my bodyweight. So. like 164 pounds to 171 pounds is close enough for me.

This month was useful. I relearned that there's some things I should probably not eat.

Recall, my purpose here was to be no longer diabetic - normal blood glucose numbers, no meds. The theory was that, if I lost enough weight and body fat, that my pancreas would come back on line, and I'd be post diabetic.

Well, no. Didn't happen. In addition, I'd lost enough weight to worry about my shrinking muscle mass. So, stable weight, and still on Lantus and Metformin.

I have an in-home BG to HbA1c conversion trick, shown on this chart. When I have lab work done, I add a moving average to this chart, and adjust the length so that the MA hits the lab work. The two times I've done that correspond to the black and red lines. The 14 day MA is just for my eyes, to keep my head in the game.

Normal is between 4% and 5.6%. Making progress. It is virtually all diet, as I've done little during house arrest. It is impressive, how useful logging food intake is to me. The feedback is useful for keeping me on track. Mostly ...

Stay safe. Peace out.


Wes said…
You continue to do good work, and keep your numbers within reasonable ranges. It does appear that Cape Cod is bad for you, though. :-) Just keep it up!!
rich ruscio said…
Thank you.

Once I got the hang of it, weight maintenance is almost easy. The blood glucose stuff is not so easy. Too bad, that.

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