mid distance road bike exercise log 20200407
As usual, the objectives are to go further, faster, and rediscover my old routes. Done, done, and done.
The Ride: An assortment of rollers, and some long inclines. Don't know how I got back down to flat, but hey. Most road surfaces were great, except Chili Ave near McDonalds and Wegmans. Go figure. Traffic was minimal. The weather was great, if a touch cool.
Equipment: Left pedal needs a tiny tightening on tensioner - can feel the slop on some stroke patterns. XOSS G+ battery ran dry 30 seconds out. I need more time in service with the thing, but so far, mostly regret buying it. Not exactly recommended.
Apparel: Same as always, but a short sleeve compression shirt, and a mid-weight zip up jersey. Comfortable, very.
Rider: I'm OK. Not in good enough shape to not notice the lack of a rest day. I am 66, after all. Bastard.
All's well. You stay well as well.
Peace out.
All's well. You stay well as well.
Peace out.