weight lifting exercise log 20191011

Well, well, the pounds per minute line is falling out of the all is well box !!! What to do, is in the notes.

Today's session was an otherwise ordinary day, except: 1) It's been a week between exercise sessions, and 2) The heavy exercises aren't heavy enough.

Here's how my week went, Friday to Friday: last weight exercise, start long fast Saturday, No Food Sunday, Monday afternoon colonoscopy, Tue & Wed work, Thu feeling pummeled, Friday weight work.

It seems to me, once a week is not frequent enough to make progress. And, increasing that frequency needs to happen.

The intent of the current exercise list is to: warm up; stress to failure; and then do 10 x 10 each of pull thrus and pull downs, at the current weight (55 pounds).

So, what to do about the pounds per minute line? I only started the 10 x 10 work 3 weeks ago. so I've need for more repeats. Adding that work also added a lot more reps and a lot more rest between sets. That added volu and time bends the line down.

The weight needs to be heavy enough so there's some need for rest after every 10 reps, and it isn't. So, add 10 more next time. That'll bump up the total poundage, and the duration.


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