
Showing posts from March, 2020

in the Days of COVID-19: resistance band training exercise log 20200331

in the Days of COVID-19: resistance band training exercise log 20200329

short distance road bike exercise log 20200326

in the Days of COVID-19: resistance band training exercise log 20200324

Pray for nice weather, get 60/60: resistance band training exercise log 20200320

Now I'm really praying for nice weather: resistance band training exercise log 20200318

weight lifting exercise log 20200316

Intensity: Tabata water row 20200314

Let me go on like I Blister in the sun Let me go on: weight lifting exercise log 20200309

3 x 2500m water row exercise log

They call it Stormy Monday But Tuesday's just as bad: weight lifting exercise log 20200303

History of my Weight Loss, February 2020

A tired man they see no longer cares The old man then prepares: 3 x 2500m water row exercise log 20200301