Pray for nice weather, get 60/60: resistance band training exercise log 20200320

Today's weather: 65 degF highs. 60 mph wind gusts. Think I'll stay inside, mostly.

Again, using my yoga mat, the blue resistance band, and an abundance of "the fitness center is closed for the duration", I did 50 each of:
  • pull thrus
  • kneeling accentuated pull downs
  • kneeling standing chest press
  • squats
  • kneeling face pulls
I think the band is a 10 pounder, that I wrap around a spindle staircase handrail. There are much heavier bands, but iDunnaWanna destroy the rail. Keep in mind, I do 115 pound pull thrus, 125 pound pull downs, 110 pound seated rows, 50 pound chest presses, and 25 pound face pulls, mostly on the cable machine. I can destroy the railing.

So, for increased intensity I do some of the exercises kneeling (2 knees down today, 1 in future), and at different angles (much like the incline on a bench). I'll eventually work my up to 100 reps, fast 25 rep cycles, and throw in a few more different exercises. I'll progress ...

Stay safe, be well. Peace out ...


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