They call it Stormy Monday But Tuesday's just as bad: weight lifting exercise log 20200303

Prior exercise session here. Prior weight lifting session here. Title by The Allman Brothers, "Stormy Monday".

My rate numbers are in the good box. Amazing what happens when I actually exercise more often.

Today's been different. Heavy fog outside, anticipating a high of 50 degF. Took ibuprofen before I went, because I've too many sore spots. When I got to the fitness center, there was someone there, I do not recall ever having seen. A young woman, 20-something, on the treadmill, running 5 maybe 6+ MPH. Easily. Consistent form, good balance, no visible sweat. I was impressed. Maybe intimidated.

Nothing much special about the numbers. Exercises to failure weren't pushed very hard. My bad, I suppose. Pull thrus might want another 10 pounds next time.

Peace out.


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