Exercise Log 20190114

Around 4am this morning, I was wide awake, 32 hours into a bonus 40+ hour fast,  and looking forward to going to lift. Eventually got around to checking my BG number, and discovered that I had, again, OD'd on Lantus. On a scale of 68 - 126 mg/dL, 37 is very low. Dangerously low. So, I had break fast (roast venison, muenster cheese, tater tots, and China Black tea with heavy cream), and decided to wait an hour or so to see what my number came up to.

Lo and behold, 128 at about 6:30, so off I went. Nothing special. By the numbers:

Total weight, 25,725 pounds; duration, 44 minutes, pounds per minute 585.

Notes: First time in a while I've done this much work on a full-ish stomach. Not the most comfortable thing. Didn't appreciate the BG values either.

Came home determined to do something different about my Lantus shot sizing approach. That'll be posted shortly.

Row / press super set was good. tris and curls went well. Surprisingly, considering the left arm weakness on the con curls last time. May try a box squat on the bench to work on my form.

As is becoming usual, today was not the day to add load to the heavy lifts.


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