Exercise Log 20190124

It's been a full week since I was playing with weights. In my defense, the middle day was used to do Tabata drills with resistance bands. Not to mention the potato hack. But still, a week is a week. And, it shows in the numbers:

total weight, 26,475 pounds; duration, 42 minutes, pounds per minute, 630.

Notes: This session took place during fasting hour 38-ish. A few waves of nausea, which I thought was funny, considering that my stomach was very empty. But, that too did pass.

Form OK except for some unusual slop in the press, and the by now expected weakness of my left arm on the curls. The muscle memory to stay balanced on the cable pull thrus seemed to have been a bit lost. Damned thing wanted to throw me onto the stacks.

Goblet squats should go up to 15 pounds, but that wasn't going to happen today. Options are still open for curls. But, not today. I need to get back into a regular pattern of food and exercise.


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