Exercise Log 20190129

The weather this morning was sufficiently mild, and I felt OK,  for me to go to the fitness center and move metal. But I do wonder why a 4 x 4 minute set of Tabata drills with light resistance bands leaves me feeling wrecked the next day, but moving 26,000 pounds in 40 minutes doesn't. Any metabolism trainer types reading this? Please send me a clue ...

Anyhow, given enough rest, I've energy to try a lot. So, added 5 pounds to the goblet squat. Did the tris sets on an inclined bench, which had a cool twist. Need my head over the top edge of the bench back, which means my butt isn't sitting on the bench, which means I'm supporting my weight on my legs. Hey, why not. Did incline bench curls, which bought me some time versus concentration curls. Did the second set of curls as hammer curls. Just a small bit of added weight, but a lot of form to learn.

The numbers: total weight, 26,700 pounds; duration, 41 minutes; pounds per minute, 65, which is nicely in range. No rush, no fuss, easy steady. Good session.

Notes: Form was mostly good. Left arm weakness on the curls. Form slop on facepull late set late reps. Wondering about adjusting the pulley up or down one notch, to change the attack angle. Thinking my shoulders don't want to do the end move rotation. Hell being weak.

I need to resist the temptation to add weight to the squats and curls. More sets / reps at these weights, first. I'm thinking to replace the 1 arm rows with cable seated rows, because I can load that heavy. Maybe. It's also too soon to add weight to the pull thrus. But, maybe not for the pulldown. I was feeling strong, and wondering if I should do it on the spot. Nah ...


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