Exercise Log 20190120

In the warm days of last Summer, I came across Tabata drills, and a heavy canvas bag full of stones. I promised myself that, first, I'd get back to they gym and lift serious weight, and second, when the weather sucked so bad I didn't want to go to the weights, the Tabata drills would happen inside my home. I'm thinking falling snow, atop the already 12 inches, at 10 degF, sucks bad enough, so here we are.

My Tabata cycle is 3 sets, 4 minute intervals, 30 seconds each (20 work and 10 rest) 4 exercises (squats, good mornings, pull thrus and Pallof Press), using the heaviest resistance band I have (Theraband green 4.6-6.7 lbs.). The most difficult part is the changeover from the Pallof Press to the squat, because I need to get the band in place under my feet. Second most difficult is sucking wind between sets.

No pretty numbers things, because while I was doing 10-15 reps each exercise, I was most assuredly not counting. Just getting thru it :-)

The Tabata Timer app
The Theraband


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