History of My Weight Loss, January 2019
Time flies ...
On January 1, 2019 I weighed 189.5 pounds. On January 31, 2019, I weighed 182.8. Here's the chart from myFitnessPal ...
I had to add semi unreal data to get the graph to decently scale.
The interesting thing about weight loss is it depends on where you start to track data from. You can tell from this, from my bodyComp scale ...
On January 1, 2019 I weighed 189.5 pounds. On January 31, 2019, I weighed 182.8. Here's the chart from myFitnessPal ...
I had to add semi unreal data to get the graph to decently scale.
The interesting thing about weight loss is it depends on where you start to track data from. You can tell from this, from my bodyComp scale ...
max | 193.8 |
min | 181.4 |
range | 12.4 |
stdDev.p | 2.9 |
So, from recorded data, I've lost 6.7 pounds. From my bodyComp scale, 12.4 pounds. Let's keep with the more attractive, and comprehensive bodyComp scale. Here's a nice bunch o' charts ...
First, the units ...
First, the units ...
![]() |
BMI really does have units (kg/m2), but since I'm not getting taller, it's pretty close to my weight. |
![]() |
Some of these are pounds, some % body weight. I blame the guys who wrote the app. |
Some day, when I've capability, I'll create "pounds" data for everything. Make sure your subscription to my blog continues forever !!
I am clearly losing weight. It is going somewhere. But, do I really care where? No, and yes.
No, because my _weight, _bodyFat, and _subcutaneousFat are declining. My _skeletalMuscle is going up as well.
Yes, because my _fatFreeBodyWeight is declining, and my _BodyWater is increasing (pretty small range, though).
I need to get my _fatFreeBodyWeight to increase, and my various measures of body fat to decline more. Recall, my _bodyFat percent goal is 15%. I've gone from 27.6% to 25.1% in January. 10% more is about 6 more months. And it gets harder from here.
So, learnings and things to do:
- It takes days to weeks to recover from less than fully appropriate weight loss experiences.
- I need to beat more Hell out of me to build muscle. That'll include adding protein, and exercise heavy.
- _bodyWater is more an indicator of an upcoming Whooooosh, than anything useful / actionable. I'm due ...
- _subcutaneous fat is "the easy part", and _visceralFat is the hard part. And, very stubborn. When that starts to go, I'll be way happier. So far, I've barely touched it.
- I have a few ideas about how to use / drop my drug load to help with this. But, that's not weight drop, per se.