Holy Water Row Tabata !! Exercise Log 20190226

I wanted to try a few new things recently. The second was food, before or after or both, the exercise set. The first was a more intense Tabata cycle. What a morning I've had !!

Out of bed at 5am, I had, and did not take, the opportunity to exercise before my GP's office visit. I wanted my blood pressure and physiology as normal as it gets at a 10:15 am visit. I was bound and determined to get the work in. It's been 3 days IIRC. No bueno ...

So, a splash of heavy cream in coffee, and then in black tea, and a cooked / cooled potato. My stomach was just fine on the day. Off to the Doc's office here, back at 11:30ish, then off to the fitness center. A repeat of last time, was this

The water row Tabata cycle:

10 minutes warm up, which really helps with form and focus
5 cycles of
4 sets of 1 minute sprint row, 30 seconds easy row
2 minutes rest / slow row after each cycle
2 minutes slow row at the end.

A few interesting things: I wasn't into it. Just about all of my first 30 second splits were at 30-31 strokes per minute, and the rest at 29 and lower. I didn't bother counting some of them Hey, I was on the clock !! Beyond that, my form was OK, but I'm still behind on my promise to watch someone row well, to try to pick up tips on good form. That whole leaning back thing is not working well for me. There's some question about how high up my hands should be at the end of the stroke. And, how much compression I should use, to move my shoulders and work my traps.

But, I did it, and I'll do it again.


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