Day 180, Confessions of a WannaBe Former T2D

Today, February 11, 2019, is the 180th day of BG data collection, during this phase of my journey to become a former T2D. I'm impressed that I've hung in this for so long, and grateful for all your support.


What was an Lantus 80 units per day habit, is now in the mid 30's.
What was an HbA1C measure of 7.3 now is (estimated to be) 6.8.
What was a 196 pound male in mid-November 2018 is now 182.8 pounds.
What was a body fat % of 27.5% on January 4, 2019, is today 25.1%.
Of the January 4, 2019 to February 11, 2019 range of weight loss (Max to Min), 13.8 pounds of me went somewhere. 9.4 pounds of fat, 4.2 pounds of muscle mass.
I still exercise 2-3 times per week, every week, and while progress is small, it's progress.
I expect to drop Metformin in a few weeks, after I get back my (expected great) lab work.
I am a LOT better at using Excel.

There's more, but let's look at the numbers. Charts of interest ...

Lantus Use, Daily. Occasional Big Use, but good downtrend

Days Back BG averages, auto updated, and time weighted, to estimate HbA1C

% of Me, Fat Free Mass, and Body Fat, trending well.
I'm certainly not done, or perfect, but I'm a heck of a lot better than I was. Progress.


Wes said…
Definitely looks like progress. Somewhat surprised that the R² is as low as it is, as looking at the data a trend seems a bit more obvious. Keep up the good work!

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rich ruscio said…
Thank you. It is all progress. Every once in a while, I find myself weary of the effort. You can see that, when I do all that motivational stuff on FB. Or when I post pix of carby food ...

I use the regressions to 1) draw the line on the chart, and 2) look for 'going up' or 'going down'.

Many of the R-squared values aren't terribly meaningful. The data sets for BG stuff, for example, is simply a day by day record. There's no process that corresponds to the index. Whereas, something like my Targeting Shot Size chart, has an R-squared value of .82, in part because there's something quite real going on.

I find Box and Whisker charts fascinating ...


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