Blow It Out The Top Of The Box Exercise Log 20190318

In May of 2018, I started using the community fitness center for heavier exercise. Since then, I've worked out there 79 times. Over the course of that time, I've used 15 different programs - sets of exercises - at progressively increasing intensity - more weight, more reps, more sets. I eventually got to the point where I didn't want to spend more time moving weight. From that, using my tracking of weight moved per minute exercising, I formed 'a box' of pounds per minute I wanted. If my exercise session result was in the box, all's well. If an exercise session was below the box, I had a not-good issue to resolve. If an exercise session was above the box, I should consider more weight or an alternative / new program.

Today, I blew the rate out the top of the box, with the second highest value ever. My all time high was 12/11/18 at 811 pounds per minute. Today's numbers: total weight 32,405, minutes duration 41, pounds per minute 790.

Notes: Yeah me! Everything felt fine, my breathing wasn't labored, only broke a light sweat. I suspect the conditioning work from the water row machine helps a lot. Hope this happens often.

Goblet squats need to get heavier. Let's see how I feel next time. Regardless, they'll not be much new weight.

Both heavy exercises - cable pull thrus and lat pulldowns - are candidates to add significant weight. Probably not until there are higher rep numbers on the failure sets.


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