History of My Weight Loss, February 2019

It has been quite the eventful month, and I've a few cool charts to show, so let's get to it.

A recap of why I care about losing weight, specifically body fat: My belief is that having excess body fat expresses itself as the condition known as T2D. I also believe that losing that excess body fat will greatly reduce the existence of, and implications of, being a T2D person. So, body fat has to go. The target remains 15%.

First, an interesting progress chart:

This chart shows my body composition by weight. Full weight is the scale number, fat free and body fat are numbers measured by the device. The data callouts are from the start of the months Jan, Feb, Mar. Each weight measurement has a regression associated with it, drawn as that straight line across the top of each class. The yellow boxes are the values for the regression line. Each column line on the chart corresponds to one day, mostly. The regression lines are drawn out to an incremental 40 days.

My interpretations:

I lost about 10 pounds full weight (193.4 - 183.6) during January, but only 4 (183.6 - 179.8) pounds in February. Same way, I lost 3 pounds fat free weight (140.2 - 137.2) during January, but only 1.2 pounds (137.2 - 136.0) in February. All fat weight dropped 7 pounds (52.3 - 46.5) during January, but only 2.6 pounds (46.5 - 43.9) in February. Not good progress.

Looking at the slope of the regression lines, every day my weight goes down by 0.1984 pounds, of which .0638 is fat free weight, and .1333 is fat. That ratio is about 1:2. That's not sufficient for me to hit 170 pounds at 15% fat %. I'd weigh like 140 pounds. No bueno.

Second, an interesting prediction chart, but this time, by the more familiar measure of body composition, fat free % and all fat %:

This chart shows body composition by %. The regression lines are drawn out to an incremental 40 days. Again, the fat free me % is going up, the fat me % going down, but at slower rates for both. At 40 days out, I'm at about 22% body fat. Too slow to get to 15% then. What to do?

Let's look at what I actually put in my mouth, as best as I can estimate and record it. Here, the data record is from 11/29/18, when I started using MyFitnessPal, to about a week ago. Close enough. Each column is one day.

The chart shows ingested kCalories ("calories"), grams of carbs and protein, and 10 day simple moving averages of all those.

My interpretation:

My behavior is pretty good about keeping my calorie intake under my 1753 calories per day target, even though it varies a lot. Same way, I'm pretty good about keeping my carbs under 75 grams per day, mostly. Way bigger excursions there, and (ahem) the target is 22 grams. Blown. There's a definite upslope in grams of protein per day, but generally way under the target of 175 grams per day. Way way under. Fat and whiskey make up the balance of the incoming.

So, pretty charts, big words, now what ? I need to lose fat faster. The best way to lose fat weight is to not eat. But, I also really want to retain non fat weight, and the best way to do that is to eat protein. So, here's the diet plan for the next few moments:
  1.  Crank down the calories really hard, to the extent practical. Where 1753 was the prior target, try for under 1000, or lower, like 600.
  2. That implies a lot of protein on salad meals. Or, protein on cooked / cooled potatoes.
  3. Practice calorie reduction every day. When you get 7 days accomplished, eat to the 1753 target for a week.
  4. Repeat 1) and 2) for March. See what happens.
  5. Try to exercise every other day. The water row Tabata and weight lifting alternating pattern seems doable.
  6. Don't do a long intermittent fast (the Tuesday to Thursday 40+ hour one). Stay with 16 - 20 hour daily fasts.
  7. If you must eat something, anything, outside meal time, resistant starch is the food of choice. There'll be cooked / cooled potatoes and rice around. Eat that.
  8. There'll be time when feasting disrupts all this. Welcome those times ! Try not to eat the entire bread basket, though ...
Here's to praying for Spring, sooner ...


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