20190628 Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test, Part 2

Thank you for your patience with me about this. I was undecided about what I wanted to discuss. For reference, Part 1 of this 2 parter is here.

So, let's get on with Part 2 ...

First, the readable stuff from the reading physician (yes, deliberate pun):

Just reading thru the words, it says "normal". Any value +- 10% of expected is as normal as normal gets.

And, in here, is my number of interest: The V02 max adjusted for weight was 31.9 mL/kg/min, 97% of predicted.

Those of you interested in a refresher in cardiovascular metric studies can review this paper. Should I come across such a paper for non-Brazilian people, I'd be interested. For now, this'll do.

I'm not sure if the dramatic ending of my test had any influence on the results, and there's no reference to that crashy event in this report.

Someday, when I have renewed interest in this subject, I may go look up all of the acronyms, and see if there's any more there there. But all I'm seeing here, are normal to slightly better than normal values.

Which means, that the list of stuff that's wrong with my metabolism does Not Include anything this test measured.

And for that, I'm grateful. Much gratitude.

p.s. anyone wanting a .pdf of my test report, simply ask.



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