make me dizzy make me feel like playing Hulk Sprint 30s/15s water row Exercise Log 20190712

Today was a Humble Pie kind of day, so ... here.

OK, today was strange. TheDog and I wake up at 3am-ish, and we both need to pee. Great. It's fun being outside in my black boxer briefs. Liberating.

Back to bed, and asleep, and up at 8:30. Whoa. This time, I got dressed to go exercise. Get theDog fed, get a cup of coffee in my hand, check my BG, swallow my pills, put away the dishes from yesterday / the dishwasher, and ... theDog wants to go walk. Half hour later, theDog and I are home. I slam down the cup of cold coffee, 15 grams of gelatin, 5 grams of creatine, and this time, I remembered the 250 mg of vitamin C. The pre-workout drink was not as pleasant a texture as I'd recalled. I think the gelatine bloomed less. When seconds matter, ya' kno'?

Off to the fitness center ...

Walk into the room, which was just darkened daylight, I discover one of my neighbors, doing an Adho Mukha Svanasana. Oh my, hello ...

So much for focus.

The workout I chose was simple. 5 minutes warm up, and then 8 intervals of 30 seconds full effort, 15 seconds rest. Then, one last 30 second full effort. 5 minutes cool down, and done.

If that performance was a test, I'd give me a C-minus. Focus was poor, power output inconsistent, form OK, kinda, sorta. Yeah, I did it, but still ...

I'd like today to be a higher carb lower fat large protein day, so post-workout feed was an orange and a pear. Protein shake later, depending on how grocery shopping goes.

It all does keep me Humble. Now Pie, that's quite attractive ...


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