I, too, can be an overly dependent dumbass Tabata water row 30s/29s Exercise Log 20190706

Today I owed my exercise plan a demanding day, so I figured, what's better on a thunderstorm Saturday than a Tabata set on the water row machine.

So, dress for exercise, walk down to the fitness center, fold up my towel to hold my phone, strap in my feet, launch the Tabata timer, and hit start. Easy peasy.

But, all I really recognized on the Tabata timer was the 30 second row sprint. I did not recognize the 29 second rest period. My "usual" is 15 seconds rest. Which I realized at the start of the first 29 second rest period.

Oh well. So, I did this 30s/29s thing. Rest seemed a very long time ...

SPM was my usual 30-32. Power output was mostly 130 watts, many 140s and higher, fewer 120s and less. So, apparently, rest works for me.


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