Summary of Exercise Logs 20190716 to 20190729

My last recorded exercise log was this one. Then, came the days before a week on Cape Cod. Then came the Friday drive, and the Saturday wake up WAY early, go ride, then recovery and other stuff day.

There's something special about this place / ride / experience.

For a bit more ride detail, here.

After that first ride day, was a Coast Guard Beach Sunday, Monday and Tuesday had wet threats, Old Silver Beach was Wednesday, and then

Holy Crap, Thursday Already!!

So, Thursday was Last Day, and packing started way late at night. Friday another driving day.

But, hey, we got theDog back with us!!

Saturday, a recovery day, Sunday, just a lazy day.

But, Monday Monday, had to lift. It's a very forgiving exercise set. Do more, do less, doesn't matter. Just do it !!!

By the numbers: total weight: 13,170 pounds. Duration, minutes: 14. Pounds per minute: 941.

I felt strong. Out of the usual groove, but strong enough to compensate. 'Failure' was more practical, less volitional.

All in all, a great day, week, and month.

Be well.


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