Nothing left to hide Nowhere else to go: weight lifting exercise log 20191220

Last time I lifted weight was here. And, I had ideas ...

Added incline skull crushers to the set list. Changed face pulls from "to failure" to 10 x 10.

Skull crushers were supposed to be 2 sets x 20 reps. My arms gassed out at 14 in set #2. Oh my ...

The seated face pull 10 x 10, were done as 4 x 25, and the last of each set were non trivial.

As expected, the pounds per minute rate went down. A few reasons. The two "new" exercises were additional work, but not heavy. Every additional set that followed them were additionally tired, especially the pulldowns. The addition of new sets is also the addition of more rest time.

Wanted more work on my shoulders and tris, and boy howdy did the changes deliver.

Still, the rate remains in the "it is good" box. And, the total weight is slowly creeping up. 32,405 (3/18/19) is the recorded max, and we're getting there.

"The Heavy" sets - pull thrus and pull downs - were indeed heavy. More weight on those will push me to 10 rep sets, but really, I think I'll work on the skull crushers (which are NOT supposed to be to failure), and the face pulls first. I expect no changes to the next weight lifting session. I expect to do water row Tabata next time out.


Merry Christmas. Peace out.


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