History of my Weight Loss, November 2019

Last time, much discussion about goals and targets. Look at Oct 2019 if you want some background.

See https://hobbytreat.blogspot.com/2019/11/history-of-my-weight-loss-october-2019.html

This time, I'll focus on measures. Starting with pounds of me ...

Over time, I lose .0315 pounds of fat, for every .0178 pounds of fat free body weight. (.0315 / .0178 = 1.77). I'm willing to lose another 7 pounds of body weight, which in theory yields fat weight of 31-32 pounds. Maybe, with windage, body fat % in the teens. Maybe. It'll take a few months, regardless.

The table shows max and min for all the scale measures, as well as pound & % conversions. I pay particular attention to fatFreeBodyWeight, skeletalMuscle, boneMass, protein and metabolicAge.

As long as those things stay steady, I've no self-harm concerns.
21 day moving average of kCalories and macros. I have issues eating too many kCalories (1700 target), too few protein grams (160 target), and too many carb grams (under 40 target).

I am truly a work in progress.

See http://www.thepediet.com/ , my guide to finding a sustainable way to eat.

This chart plots P:E ratio and body weight. The variability (noise) in the numbers is impressive. But, it's my mouth that's the issue, not the measurements.
Box and Whisker charts allow me to visualize the distribution of some value over some discrete timeframes. The measure is BG drop per unit Lantus. Shoot some Lantus, BG measure should drop. Here, each month has its own distribution. As long as the "mean line" is going up, my insulin sensitivity is improving. So, what started at about .6 in Aug 2018, is now 2.7 at EO Nov 2019. Agonizingly slow progress. I'd prefer this measure be in the 5-10 range. Much more time to success.

Last chart. HbA1c is an 'area under the curve' (AUC) measure of average BG levels over time. Lower is better. My historic long term memory says my numbers are 7.6 or so, fully loaded, on all the drugs. Which is about the value here, on only Lantus. Under 6.5, and I'm not full blown diabetic. Certainly not there, and all the trend lines look uppy. No bueno.

So, what? My next lab work will be in February 2020. That'll tell me, and my Docs, whether or not this is working to anyone's satisfaction.

I'm awaiting one of my supplement suppliers to restock an insulin sensitizer mix. See https://www.ketoshop.com/products/glucosatrol Bodybuilders use it to max pack BG into muscles, for strength and intensity purposes. I just want that stuff out of my blood stream. I'd prefer to not take Metformin and some other injectable drug.

Exercise doesn't do enough good, other than helping to maintain muscle mass. Given my shoulders, knees, and general old man laziness, I'm maxed out here. It really is all about my diet.

So, another few months, and we'll see my activity either works, or not. Think good thoughts.

Peace out ...


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