Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast: 3 x 2500m water row exercise log 20191209

Last time at the fitness center, I did my weight lifting stuff, and felt great about it. So, a few days later, I figured I'd do it again.

Bundle up, DGAF about the threatened rain and cold, walked down, walked in, and discovered there was someone using the cable machine and bench. Oh my. Water row time.

Didn't want to bust my butt doing Tabata stuff, so 3 x 2500 meters. Metallica on Amazon Prime for the win.

I've taken to slow easy row during the so called 2 minutes rest between splits, but I use the distance. About 200 meters each. Yes, it's cheating, kinda. No, I don't care. It all feels like work.

My stroke rate seems to have fallen off. I do 26-27 SPM, where I used to do 30. Power output as well - now 60's, before 90's. Dunno why. I believe it is because my intensity is less. I mean, once I lost enough weight, I'm winning, dontChaKno. It's all mental. Maybe. Might be normal BG numbers :-)

Anyways. From the end of the 3rd split to getting home to stopping the timer, took 28:23.


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