8 Days Since, And Still On Trend Exercise Log 20190326

It's surprising to me, and I was there, but the last time I moved weight was 8 days ago


The growing love I have for the water row machine, and my advanced age related willingness to exercise more often, only let me have so many shots at lifting weight and defying gravity. So, I'll try to make the best of what I can do.

For that, I'll add weight when I think I can, and I'll drop sets when I have a purpose to it. Sometimes, I'll do both. But first, the numbers:

total weight, 31,545 pounds; duration in minutes, 42, pounds per minute, 751. These are box threatening !! Yippie !!

Really close to the top of the box. The progress trend line itself is near the top of the box. There's room to make this exercise set a bit harder. And, I did.

Notes: Again, following my first law of exercise, I didn't damage myself. I did have a bit of soreness in my left shoulder, but not the usual place. X marks the spot. I suspect it has to do with two days off, more water row days, and the little detail that I hit it hard this morning. Well, I've always been right dominant, so my left side will need to grow the F up. And, it is, but it doesn't like it. And, no, I think it's just muscle over work, not bursitis. And, my upper arms and shoulders are looking pretty :-)

Goblet squats went to 25 pounds, up from 15.  I could have done 20, but I'm in the mood. A few weeks of this, and I'll try more weight. Dumbbell squats, though, no longer goblet squats.

In the big and heavy department, I added 10 pounds to the cable pull thrus, 20 pounds to the lat pulldowns, and dropped a set from each. My goal here is to move the exercises gradually towards 2 sets - a warmup set and a work to failure set. The pull thrus were pretty straight forward, with my hitting 26 reps on the failure set !! The lat pulldowns were WAY heavier feeling. WAY, way, way. Barely got the failure set to the usual 15. There'll need to be more sessions before I fool with these two.



rich ruscio said…
I lack symptoms ...


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