Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then Tabata Water Row Exercise Log 20190511
Once upon a time, I had no idea someone named Tabata ever existed. I had no idea that his work would be useful to me. I did not understand why Tabata exercise patterns are recommended to be done but once or twice a week.
The things he started, I know much more of now.
The Hulk Leapfrog Workout is very simple. On a water row machine, with the resistance at Max:
Warmup for 5 minutes
Do this 4 times
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds.
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds.
The things he started, I know much more of now.
The Hulk Leapfrog Workout is very simple. On a water row machine, with the resistance at Max:
Warmup for 5 minutes
Do this 4 times
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds.
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds.
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds.
Full out sprint for 30 seconds. Rest for 2 minutes
Cool down for 3 minutes.
Stand up carefully and gently.
Strokes per minute were consistently 30. Even I was surprised. Wattage output was consistently over 100, many in the teens and twenties, and a few in the thirties. Rarely under 100. Gas outs occurred in sets 3 and 4, during the 3rd work piece. Recovered in the 4th. No failures, pretty good form.
Nonetheless, this is rather demanding. Not bad for 8 minutes hard work :-)
No music, because the Tabata timer on my phone calls times at least every 15 seconds, counts down from 5 seconds to start, and from 3 seconds to finish. Quite the chatty thing.
Tomorrow is definitely a rest day. Monday, we'll see. As usual, if the weather allows, next I'll ride my bikes. If not, next up is a 3 x 2500 meter jaunt on the water row machine.