Dazed and Confused and Pleased Weights Exercise Log 20190415

The last time I lifted weights, you may recall, my pounds per minute rate was stupid high, and way above trend. My presumption at the time was that I either mis-wrote the timing numbers, or skipped an entire exercise, or entered a time warp. Oh, sweet mystery of life.

So, I did a few things.

In addition to writing down the start and end time as usual, I also ran my lap timer on my phone, and captured the start and end times.

For reference, and humble brag, the written down (from a cable box) start and end times were 6:07 and 6:41. 34 minutes duration.

So, I got that right.

For the purpose of making my set list simpler, easier to follow, and more towards my idealized "one warm up set one work set" idea, I revised the set list I print (from Excel). My comment that it was a lot of work came true, and I screwed it up a bit.

In addition to the Excel screw up, I also managed to skip an ENTIRE exercise (03 and 04 dumbbell chest press). I am clueless in this regard.

Nonetheless, I did this ...

Total weight, 28,610 pounds. Duration, 34 minutes. Pounds per minute 841.

Boom, out the top of the box, and way over trend.

The yellow thingy on this chart, pointing at one of the columns on the chart, is a data callout. It's there because that was the first weight exercise session after I stopped taking Metformin.

My opinion is that the negative metabolic impacts of Metformin, and the positive impacts of fasting and fat loss, take a while to work thru my physiology. I'm good with that.

Next time, I think I'll do the water row 60/30 sets, or the 30/15 killer sets. But, Tabata stylee it'll be.


Wes said…
Ah, the joys of Excel! The good news is that you have your disease well on the way to being controlled, so that you will live longer. This will give you the time you need to perfect your Excel skills!! Excel is pleased! (Me too!)

Keep up the good work!
rich ruscio said…
Thank you. I try.

I'm mostly tapped out on new stuff to do with my data sets. One of the better issues I face, is I don't know how to do better. I'm on a decent daily cycle, and I'll be damned if that doesn't take 24 hours each ...

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