Seriously Tabata Water Rowing Exercise Log 20190407

There are 3 different approaches to exercise that I use, to try to remove fat from my body. Weight lifting builds strength, and helps maintain  muscles, and stresses joints. Distance water rowing builds endurance, and stresses my cardiovascular system to deliver energy substrates for extended times (yeah mitochondrial respiration !!). Tabata sets do both, while pulsing my energy delivery systems.

At maximum effort, my water row power curves peak at about 4 seconds (2 strokes), maintain that power output for 15-20 seconds (8 to 11 strokes), and then decline. So, I figure, if I build a Tabata cycle that forces me to work for 30 seconds, I can max out my work under my power curve. Welcome to the Hulk Leapfrog Workout.

Today's workout was

5 minutes warm-up
4 cycles of
4 sets of
30 seconds max effort row sprint
15 seconds easy row, boy, easy
2 minutes rest
3 minutes cool down, or until I can stand up

Each cycle is 2 minutes solid work. Two cycles yields the original Tabata 4 minute workout.

There was no music today. The timer on my phone speaks every 15 seconds, and I had plenty to do to keep focused.

"The usual" water row Tabata sequence, Leapfrog Workout, is shown for comparison.

The program is not very long in time, but it is more than long enough. By the time I was deep into the second cycle, my power output was an issue. The wattage was 100 or so most of the time, max at 131. Low 100's in cycle 1, high 90's at EO cycle 2 and 3, low 100's in cycle 4. I did not want to do another cycle, set, or stroke. Stick a fork in me, I was done.

My next exercise session is probably Monday or Tuesday, a water row 3 x 2500 meter workout.


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