Progress Against T2D 20181214

Doing these progress reports is a useful way for me to organize my thoughts on the subject. Thank you for reading them.

I've been trying to find a way to express "what I do" in the form of a progress report. The goal I have is to communicate what's important to me.

The prior progress report was November 24th. The primary improvement needed was, and remains, to lose weight. Specifically body fat weight, not muscle mass. Food consumption, in quality, quantity, and timing, makes the magic happen.

The list of disciplines I follow:
  • Keep a food and weight log
    • Use myFitnessPal
    • Log food consumed, daily weight measure
  • Track fasting data.
    • Record starting and ending times, and calculate:
      • _fasting_duration, _durHr, _durMin, _DOW, _7 day Avg, _7 day SD, 21DayAvg, 21DaySD, starting TOD, _4HrFed, 12HrFed
      • plot the _fasting_duration as a histogram, and Fasting Duration info
  • Continue an exercise pattern that requires the movement of large amounts of weight in a relatively short period of time:
    • Publish that exercise pattern here as exercise logs, showing various notes, measures and rates
  • Track BG data at least 2x daily: 
    • On wakeup, and before bed for certain, sometimes pre-noonish, pre-dinner
    • Keep date and time for these
    • Calculate _desiredDrop, _BG_Drop_ON, _dropPerUnit, _allDayAvg, _SMA_Lantus
  • Track Lantus (insulin) use:
    • Record lantus units
  • Update daily Lantus shot size model: 
    • Regression line of shot size versus overnight drop
  • Update various data analysis charts:
    • _BG_Drop_ON, lantus units, _dropPerUnit, _allDayAvg
    • _BG value TOD 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Box and Whisker charts for TOD1 and allDayData
  • Keep track of the theory of operations for "why do all this".
The most difficult challenges:
  • Food plus intake at social occasions
  • Disciplined execution, of every line item, every single time
  • Patience
  • Random Excel failures
Results of interest:
  • Food and weight log contributes positive feedback. Don't know if I can extract the data.
  • Fasting works for me. Most notable on the box & whisker charts for daily BG average. Secondarily on the scale.
  • Exercise pattern and progress continues. Without injury, I must add. Although my left shoulder occasionally threatens to go rogue.
  • Looking at BG number data is useful, as a positive feedback loop measure.
  • Gathering that data is a useful discipline measure.
  • Lantus use is declining over time, and I believe I'm in better BG control than ever. My formal blood work isn't due until Feb 2019. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. I may even make predictions between now and then.
  • Watching my Lantus shot size model change on a daily basis is fascinating. It convinces me I have some grip on this disease.
  • Box and Whisker charts are an incredible tool for visualizing small, sparce datasets.
  • Having a spreadsheet full of "theory of ops" (operations) has been invaluable.
Dealing with my disease is challenging, to say the least. Arguably half the population of the USA should be doing this. But for the life of me, I cannot see how they could accomplish it.

Hey, I got thru all this without numbers, or charts !!! But, I have them if anyone is interested.

Thanks for reading.


Wes said…
Random Excel failures? Did you not back up your data??
rich ruscio said…
All is backed up, both in a functional spreadsheet, as well as on OneDrive.

The Excel failure of most note happened yesterday. There is a data point intended for my shot prediction model. The actual data is (40, 63), and it showed on the chart as (20, 63). Which is pretty strange. Nothing I tried relieved the issue, so I simply recreated the chart. That worked.

I've also had recurring "we recovered your file" issues, where there's no error.

There's probably more, but why dwell ...


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