Experimental Food 20190627 - Grilled Beef Muscle 2

On June 24, on FB, I wrote:

This weekend, in Experimental Food: When we're out on a trip of acquisition, we always look at BJ's "big meat" case. Prior, we'd bought 3 parts-of-shoulder clod. Then a whole shoulder clod from Skip's on the Ridge, and now this.

For $2.99 / pound, 7.52 pounds, I'm excited.

I unpackaged it, dried it off, and cut it into "steaks". Pounds:ounces 1:7, 1:6, 1:5, 1:3 and a few pieces a bit smaller.

Cannot WAIT to slap that big one on the grill ...

Well, yesterday was the day for the big one, and the smallest piece.

The big one was dinner for 2. The small one went into the cooked protein stash, and disappeared into my breakfast this morning.

The meat was tender, but has enough hard crust, enough cooked for chew, and enough rare for delicious. On full blast, 3 minutes, 3 minutes crossed for the grill marks, 3 minutes flipped.

The last 3 could have been 2 for my tastes, but Maripat might have been unhappy.

As it was, I probably ate 75% of the meat ...



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