History of My Weight Loss May 2019

Welcome to body composition data row 153, myFitnessPal day 196, BGdata row 290, or in clear speak, June 1. This entry discusses the result of my weight loss efforts during May 2019. Let's see some numbers:

Much ado about not much during the month. One of the more motivating things here is the ratio of body fat loss to fat free body weight loss. From over 2:1 to 3:2 implies I'm towards the end of 'easy' fat loss.

Weight loss is not a day-to-day consistent thing. People who can't cope with numbers shouldn't weigh themselves daily. I'm not them.

The moving average line here tells the story. Roughly, 6 weeks of rapid loss, 5 weeks of plateau, 6 weeks of slower loss, and a few weeks of plateau.

From an exercise perspective, the initial drop corresponds to weight lifting and water row machine discovery. The 6 weeks of slower loss corresponds to the bikes hitting the roads. Plateaus are food intake items, I think.

In my lifetime, the word "macros" has meant so many things. Here, grams of carbs, fat, and protein. Calories versus macros, with arrows demarking the plateau / loss discussed above. When total intake of calories goes down, I lose weight. And, vice versa. Duh.

Not shown, but quite real, is my progress to become a former diabetic. Pretty much the same pattern of progress / plateau.

So, now what? My opinion is that I need more muscle mass, and less fat mass. Which is the most difficult trick in the game, especially at my age. Things to do:

  • Change the weight lifting pattern to 'sets to failure'. Hit those hormones harder. Should remove stress from my tender parts, allowing shorter recovery time, leading to more exercise.
  • Ride my bikes, more often, and further. Nice weather would be good.
  • Protein, protein, protein. Strive for 1 gram per pound of weight. Always a protein shake after workout.
  • Repress carbs and fats. If you must choose, choose carbs. I think. I also need to reduce Lantus.
  • Adjust and tinker with my supplement stack. More Acetyl L-Carnitine. Add Creatine Monohydrate and sodium bicarbonate.
  • Work to blow the doors off my Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test June 28th. I asked for this lab test, and my GP ordered it !!!

I saw a chart, which I can't find now, that showed % medication reduction per year of the IDM Program. For long term diabetics, they were down to 20-ish % of their original drug load. In Two Years. What a long strange trip it'll continue to be.

Be well.


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